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Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal

Launch Portal

The NOAA Fisheries Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal (DisMAP) provides easy access to information to track and understand distributions of marine species in the U.S. Marine Ecosystems. Launch the portal to explore, visualize and interact with information on marine species distributions.


The geographic or spatial extent, over which a species is found to occur, is its distribution. Understanding how species are distributed in space and time and the factors that drive spatial patterns in distribution and abundance are central questions in ecology and important for species conservation and management.

Additionally, a major impact of changing climate and ocean conditions is the large-scale shifts in distributions of many marine species as they attempt to remain within their preferred environmental conditions (e.g., temperature). These shifts in distribution pose a central challenge to fisheries managers as they can and already are affecting commercial and recreational fisheries, and the economies of communities that rely on them. Easy access to information on current and projected future fish distributions can help fisheries managers and the fishing industry better plan for and respond to changes.

Core Features

Single species distributions Icon

Single species distributions

Explore visual and numerical representation of several key metrics that define a species range and distribution of individual species over time.

Regional Summaries Icon

Regional Summaries

Explore how communities have changed at the regional level (e.g. species richness) over time


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