Stock SMART - Status, Management, Assessments & Resource TrendsStock SMART is NOAA Fisheries' Stock Status, Management, Assessment, and Resource Trends web tool. Here, you can find applications to search, view, compare, and download the results of assessments for stocks managed by NOAA Fisheries. Keep reading to learn more about each of Stock SMART’s applications or click on a menu item to get started.

View summaries of individual stock assessment results for stocks managed by NOAA Fisheries. Historical assessments are available going back to 2005.

Explore time series results from stock assessments for common stock indicators including catch, abundance, fishing mortality, and recruitment (number of young fish). You can study estimates from one or more stock assessments for the same stock, or compare between stocks.

Visualize stock condition by plotting stock abundance (B) and fishing mortality (F) against their targets (BMSY and FMSY, respectively) estimated from the stock assessments. These charts are sometimes called 'Kobe plots' and can be used to quickly gauge stock health, as well as see how stock condition has changed over time.

See how many assessments NOAA Fisheries completes each year, as well as the types of assessments that get done and the kinds of data that are used to support assessments.
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Time Series Charts
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Select Stocks and Years
Select assessment result summary data fields to include in the report:
Stock SMART Data Dictionary:
Includes definitions for all fields included in the Stock SMART Data Download reports.
Stock SMART Demonstration:
Recorded presentation on available features of Stock SMART. Demonstration lasts roughly 40 minutes, with 20 minutes of Q&A at the end.
NOAA Fisheries Stock Assessment Website:
Provides background information on NOAA Fisheries' stock assessments, including educational resources (e.g. 'Stock Assessments 101') and links to regional stock assessment resources.
Stock Assessment Quarterly Reports:
Quarterly summaries of the activities of the NOAA Fisheries national stock assessment program.
Stock Assessment Models:
Descriptions of the different kinds of mathematical models used to assess fisheries stocks, including the kinds of data required and the different types of advice they produce to help managers sustainably manage fisheries.
Stock Assessment Improvement Plan:
This 2018 document provides strategic guidance for NOAA Fisheries’ stock assessment enterprise, including some of the data collection efforts tracked through Stock SMART.
Fish Stock Sustainability Index:
Information about stock status determinations and the Fish Stock Sustainability Index, or FSSI, a quarterly index used to measure the performance of U.S. federal fisheries.
Status of Stocks Quarterly Updates:
The most recent information on the status of U.S. federally-managed fishery stocks - whether a stock is overfished, subject to overfishing, or has been rebuilt.
Information on popular seafood harvested or farmed in the U.S. to help consumers make educated choices.
DisMAP - Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal:
Provides easy access to information to track and understand distributions of marine species in the U.S. Marine Ecosystems. Click the link to explore, visualize and interact with information on marine species distributions.
Stock SMART Data Repository for R Users:
An R data package serving up the StockSMART data.
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